Tag: preschool project

How To: Frozen Bubbles

The year 2020 has presented us with many days of negative temperatures. This has given us the great opportunity to experiment with projects that require cold weather! Recently we made frozen bubbles!

Colorful Icicles

I have been trying to find incentive to get us out in these frigid temperatures and Pinterest has provided! The last few days we have been experimenting with making colorful icicles! Let me tell you, they are beautiful!

Rainbow Snow Volcano

Yesterday we built our second rainbow snow volcano in just over a week! This may be Jasper’s new favorite thing to do! To create this project all you need is some simple household items (until your child uses all of the vinegar and baking soda and you have to run to the store to replenish …

DIY Ice Lanterns

Before we moved to Alaska, we had never celebrated the solstices before. I only knew when the winter solstice was because it is the same day as my brother and sister’s. However, in Alaska the summer and winter solstice is a big deal. There are multiple celebrations. We particularly enjoy the Solstice Tree Tour in …

Fall Themed Preschool Projects

This time next Fall we will be a few months into our true home school journey.  For the time being we are trying to find what works for us and when good times for lessons are. I love to incorporate learning into the time we already spend outside. The last few weeks we explored a …

Exploring Alaska With Kids: Singing Stones on Frozen Lakes

Acoustic Dispersion isn’t a term I was familiar with until earlier this week. There was a video that I believe went viral a few years back (video below). It was of a man throwing a rock at a frozen lake and the lake making this amazing noise (something similar to the pew pew noise of …

Halloween Slime!

Well, we jumped on the slim bandwagon! Honestly, I had avoided making slime because it was my understanding that some of the ingredients weren’t completely safe. Did you know you don’t have to use borax to make awesome slim? Well apparently my husband did! Jasper and his dad started making slime together earlier this year …

Six Valentines Themed Preschool Projects

Jasper seems to love all holidays (what child doesn’t). Especially the holidays that include presents and candy. For Valentines Day we generally get Jasper one of those $1 boxes of chocolates that Walmart sells. Then sometimes we also get him a small Valentines themed toy. So that means Valentines Day is among Jasper’s favorite holidays …

Artwork to Grow On

Jasper’s third birthday is upon us and I don’t know where the times has gone. He is so big and so smart. He can do so many things and is constantly impressing me. However, at the same time it makes me very sad to know that his baby years are past. This year we celebrated …