I think it was our first winter in Alaska that I saw a rainbow ice igloo for the first time. @Alaskakids, who I later met and became friends with, posted their ice igloo to Instagram. Their family had collected an exorbitant amount of milk cartons and proceeded to use these to freeze their bricks in. I thought this ice igloo was SO COOL, and instantly knew I wanted to make one.

Here are some suggestions if you are planning an Easter Egg Hike of your own!

Before moving to Alaska, winter solstice wasn’t really something on my radar, and we definitely didn’t do anything to celebrate it. However, when you live in a area that gets so little light during this time of year and so much during summer solstice, you start to take notice. As we began our homeschooling journey …

I am all for finding fun excuses to get outside during the winter! Some days it just seems too cold outside and the inside of your house is much more inviting. So on days like this I try to find a fun project to do outside that gets me excited about going out. We try to make snow candy at least once every winter and that is just what we did this week!

Earlier this month we hit our goal of 1000 hours outside for the year 2020! If you haven’t heard of this challenge, it’s main objective is to get children to match screen time with outdoor time. The average child has 1200 hours of screen time each year! 1000 Hours Outside seeks to shift some of …

Summer solstice marks the longest day of the year and shortest night. It is the time of year in which earth’s north pole is at its maximum tilt towards the sun, traveling it’s longest path across the sky. This day marks the official start of the summer season.Solstices are a big deal up here in …

Recently our playgrounds opened again! We live just down the street from an elementary school and we often visit the playground there. Our first time back on this playground Jasper found a ladybug and his interest in this tiny insect inspired our ladybug nature study.

Up to this point we had always gotten the little kits at the store to dye eggs with. However, I had failed to pick one up before this virus stuff started happening and they don’t seem to be a Click List option. I know there were other options out there for dyeing eggs and so …

Jasper is been super into finding “treasure” recently. He and his friends found a Christmas ornament hanging from a tree on a recent hike. The oldest friend decided that Jasper got to keep this AMAZING find. Jasper was so proud. He also recently found a (extremely old and falling apart) piece of rope tied to …

The year 2020 has presented us with many days of negative temperatures. This has given us the great opportunity to experiment with projects that require cold weather! Recently we made frozen bubbles!