Tag: school

Exploring Alaska with Kids: Matanuska Glacier

In January of 2020 I visited Matanuska Glacier for the first time. Since then I have returned twice, both times with my children. Let me tell you, if you go you won’t be disappointed!

1000 Hours Outside

Earlier this month we hit our goal of 1000 hours outside for the year 2020! If you haven’t heard of this challenge, it’s main objective is to get children to match screen time with outdoor time. The average child has 1200 hours of screen time each year! 1000 Hours Outside seeks to shift some of …

Rainbow Snow Volcano

Yesterday we built our second rainbow snow volcano in just over a week! This may be Jasper’s new favorite thing to do! To create this project all you need is some simple household items (until your child uses all of the vinegar and baking soda and you have to run to the store to replenish …

Fall Themed Preschool Projects

This time next Fall we will be a few months into our true home school journey.  For the time being we are trying to find what works for us and when good times for lessons are. I love to incorporate learning into the time we already spend outside. The last few weeks we explored a …

Exploring Alaska With Kids: Singing Stones on Frozen Lakes

Acoustic Dispersion isn’t a term I was familiar with until earlier this week. There was a video that I believe went viral a few years back (video below). It was of a man throwing a rock at a frozen lake and the lake making this amazing noise (something similar to the pew pew noise of …